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open daily 9:00 to 17:00 (GMT+1)

+212 711025547
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  • scientific name


    Panthera leo
  • top speed


    80 km/h
  • order


In the wild, lions typically live 10-14 years. In captivity, they can live over 20 years with proper care.


Le lion est un grand félin du genre Panthera. Il est musclé, a une poitrine profonde et une tête courte et arrondie, un cou réduit et des oreilles rondes. Sa fourrure est courte, fauve et dense avec une queue touffue.


In the wild, lions typically live 10-14 years. In captivity, they can live over 20 years with proper care.

Conservation Status

Vulnerable due to habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict and illegal hunting.


Lions inhabit grasslands, savannas, dense bush and woodlands across sub-Saharan Africa. Their range has declined significantly from historic levels.


Lions are an iconic symbol of Africa and are featured in many aspects of human culture. They have cultural significance in Africa and evoke a sense of power and nobility. Lions inspire both awe and fear and have been prominent in folklore, mythology and art across history and cultures.


As obligate carnivores, lions primarily eat large ungulates like zebra, wildebeest, buffalo and antelope. They will also hunt smaller prey and scavenge carrion when necessary. Lions are apex predators that play a key ecological role.

In the wild, lions typically live 10-14 years. In captivity, they can live over 20 years with proper care.


Lions are highly social and live in cohesive family groups called prides. Prides work cooperatively to defend territory, raise cubs and hunt prey. Lionesses do the majority of hunting while males focus on protecting the pride. Lions are mostly nocturnal and sleep 16-20 hours per day. They communicate via roaring, scent marking and other vocalizations.