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White Lion

  • scientific name


    Panthera leo (leucistic)
  • top speed


    96 km/h
  • order


White lions have a typical lifespan of 10-14 years in the wild, similar to other African lions.


The white lion is a rare color variant of the African lion. It has a distinctive pale to white coat and blue or light-colored eyes.


White lions have a typical lifespan of 10-14 years in the wild, similar to other African lions.

Conservation Status

Classified as Vulnerable like the larger African lion populations. White lions number less than 13 in the wild and around 300 in captivity.


White lions are extremely rare in the wild, found only in South Africa's Greater Timbavati region. They do not exist as a wild population.


The white lion holds cultural significance among indigenous African tribes who saw them as divine or lucky. Their striking appearance has captivated global fascination. But selective breeding for the trait raises inbreeding concerns.


As opportunistic predators, white lions hunt cooperatively in prides for zebra, wildebeest, antelope and other large game.

White lions have a typical lifespan of 10-14 years in the wild, similar to other African lions.


White lions live in social prides with related females and exhibit behaviors typical of African lions - resting by day, patroling territory and hunting at dawn, dusk and night.