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Bengal Tiger

  • scientific name


    Panthera tigris tigris
  • top speed


    96 km/h
  • order


In the wild, Bengal Tigers can live up to 10-15 years, while those in captivity may reach 20 years or more. Their longevity is affected by factors such as food availability, disease, and human-related threats.


Bengal Tigers are the largest of the tiger subspecies, with males reaching up to 10 feet in length and weighing up to 220 kg. Their distinctive orange coat is adorned with black stripes, providing excellent camouflage in their forest habitats.


In the wild, Bengal Tigers can live up to 10-15 years, while those in captivity may reach 20 years or more. Their longevity is affected by factors such as food availability, disease, and human-related threats.

Conservation Status

Bengal Tigers are Endangered due to habitat loss and poaching for their body parts. Conservation efforts focus on protecting their forest homes and reducing human-wildlife conflict, which poses a significant threat to their survival.


Bengal Tigers are found in the Indian subcontinent, including India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. They prefer diverse habitats, from grasslands to forests. These solitary hunters are territorial and require vast areas to roam and hunt for their preferred prey.


Bengal Tigers have cultural significance in their range and are considered a national symbol of India. They are also popular in wildlife conservation efforts, with numerous reserves and protected areas dedicated to their preservation.


Bengal Tigers are carnivorous and primarily prey on deer, wild boar, and other large mammals. They are skilled ambush predators and can leap great distances to catch their prey, relying on stealth and power in their hunting strategies.

In the wild, Bengal Tigers can live up to 10-15 years, while those in captivity may reach 20 years or more. Their longevity is affected by factors such as food availability, disease, and human-related threats.


Bengal Tigers are solitary animals, with males and females coming together only for mating purposes. They are known for their strength and agility, capable of taking down large prey animals and swimming skillfully to cool off in the hot and humid environments where they live.